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Sipe Roofing And General Contracting - How Much Does It Cost To Install A Sun Roof?

Feb 5

General and Sipe Roofing

A large number of homeowners are contemplating installing sun roofs on their houses in order to increase the amount of sunlight and outside air that reaches their rooms. When you make the decision to purchase an entirely new roof it is essential to know what it'll cost. Keep reading to learn more information about Sipe roofing and general contracting and the amount it will cost to put up a sunroof.

What is Sipe Roofing?

Sipe roofing is one type of roofing that utilizes small holes, also known as "sipes" to permit rain and other elements of the weather to flow through the roof without causing damage. This type of roofing is often employed on structures that are susceptible to strong winds and heavy rain, since it allows the building to remain structurally sound while still allowing for optimal ventilation and cooling.

Sipe roofing is more expensive than other roofing options. But, it requires extra maintenance, like cleaning the sipes. Installation costs usually range between $5-10 per square feet. Additionally, since sipe roofs can be repaired or replaced relatively easily compared to traditional roofs, they can provide the long-term advantages to your home.

What is the process behind Sipe Roofing function?

Sipe roofing allows water and air to flow through roofs using a series triangular slits. This type of roofing is popular because it makes roofs lighter, which can reduce the amount of energy required to maintain them. Sipe roofs are more durable in time frame than other types of roofing, so they require less maintenance.

Types of Sun Roofs

There are various kinds of sunroofs with its own installation costs.

The sun roof that slides is one of the most common types. This kind of roof is made up of a number of panels that can be opened or closed to let in or out the sun.

The cost of a sliding roofing system is dependent on its size and complexity. In general, this type of roof is priced between $2,000 and $1,000 to install.

A hinged sunroof can be a second alternative. These roofs can be closed and opened like sliding roofs. They also come with hinges that permit easy access to the interior.

The cost of installation for a hinged sun roof will range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the scope and the amount of the job.

Another form of sun roof is the solarium roof that is tiled. The roof is made up of massive tiles that cover the entire surface of the roof.

Because this kind of roof does not have windows or doors, costs for installation for a tiled solarium Roof can be anywhere from $1000 to $5,000 based on the scale and complexity of the task.

How to Choose a Sunroof

It is essential to think about the amount and size of sunlight available when choosing a sunroof. The sun roof should also be designed to fit in with the design of your home. There are many types of sunroofs, including vinyl, metal and plastic. Sunroofs are put up in a closed or open manner.

Sunroof Installation Costs

A sun roof could be an excellent addition to your house, providing you and your family with plenty of sunlight and a cool environment in summertime. Before you decide to put one up on your home, you'll want to be aware of the costs that come with it.

The cost of the installation of a sun roofing system typically is contingent on several factors, including the type of roofing material used and the size of the sun roof. In general the installation cost will range from around $1,000 - $3,000. Additionally, you may need to account for other costs, such as permits and professional services.


If you're looking to add a little extra luxury to your home, installing a sun roof is a great option. Sun roofs can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 , depending on the size and type. Although this might seem as a costly decision, think of the money you'll save on costs for energy over time - in addition to the benefit of taking in stunning views from your home without the need to wrap up during winter! Contact Sipe Roofing and General Contracting to get a quote on the perfect sunroof for your house.

Address:  2459 Corporation Pkwy Suite C, Burlington, NC 27215, United States

Phone:      +13362647532