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HVAC Repair & Installation Services

Apr 9

HVAC Repair & Installation Services

HVAC Contractors San Diego offers service agreements to thousands of San Diego residents annually. HVAC Contractors San Diego's Service Agreements give our customers peace of mind knowing that they aren't responsible for any unexpected breakdowns.

HVAC Contractors San Diego specializes in offering high-quality HVAC and air conditioning installation and repair services to San Diego and the surrounding California communities.

Invasion of the Dust Mites. A Horror Story

We know that you don't want this to happen, but it is important. Dust mites are extremely potent allergens and can lead to severe allergies. They are all around your house.

HVAC Contractors San Diego does not like to be fearmongers. But, your bed may have as many as 10 million dust mites. This is because they feed on your dead skin cells every night. While we don't wish to be the bearers of bad news, those ten million dust mites can produce twenty droppings per day. You can expect to have 1,400,000,000 microscopic dustmite patty in your bed within a week.

So how do these little monsters get out? There's no way to get rid of them. Dust mites have become an unfortunate part of our lives and they won't go away. However, dust mites can be greatly reduced in your home to relieve allergies and other respiratory diseases. Follow these steps to make it simple.

Simple Guide for Killing Thousands of Dust Mites

Dust mites can cause a lot of damage to your home. Dust mites, dust. Dust, dust mites. Do you see the connection here? Dust is made up largely of the 50 million skin layers you shed each and every day. Here's how to get rid of dust and dust mites at home.

  • Dust your house at least twice each week. To pick up the dust, rather than just moving it about, you can use an electrostatic or microfiber dusting cloth. But don't use dusting solutions. Although they make your wood shiny and bright, their chemicals can be harmful to your lungs.
  • After you dust, vacuum. Make sure to get a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. This will filter the air as it passes through the filter before it is sent out through your exhaust.
  • While you are dusting and vacuuming, set the thermostat fan position to ON. This will cause your A/C to trap any pollutants in the air filter.
  • You must choose the finest quality filter you can fit in your cooling system. Generally, a MERV12 pleated filter will trap 90% of the dust mites.
  • Get rid of all clutter. Clutter makes you dust. Dust can make you a dust mite. You can get rid of all the BRIC a brac and clothes, and make your home clutter-free.
  • To kill the dust mites, wash bedding each week in hot soapy water. While the bedding is in the washing machine, vacuum and pound it outside.
  • You can keep the riffraff out of your pillows and mattress by investing in mite-proof covers for your pillows.
  • You should keep your home's humidity at the optimal 30 to 50 percent range. We understand that it can be hard in San Diego with its high humidity. However, there are portable and whole-house dehumidifiers available. Dust mites do well in high humidity but don't survive as long and reproduce at the same rate in lower humidity.

You spend 90% of your time indoors. Take care of your well-being and good health by taking control of the air quality you breathe. HVAC Contractors San Diego is determined to provide a high-quality indoor environment for San Diego and surrounding California communities. We care about more than just staying cool.

For more information on how we can help, contact us in San Diego and the greater California area.


HVAC Contractors San Diego

San Diego, Ca

(619) 413 6530