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Signs Your Commercial HVAC System Needs Repairing

Nov 24

Signs Your Commercial HVAC System Needs Repairing

By Cleaveland HVAC Contractors

Atlanta's business owners can wear many hats. Even if your background is not in maintenance, you may lose sight of the needs of your building while trying to run a profitable company. If your cooling or heating system fails, you could lose business. Recognize the signs and get them fixed.

These symptoms have been discussed by Cleveland HVAC contractors so that you can be sure to keep your multitasking skills up and running smoothly. Do not ignore any of these signs or delay the repair. Let our experts handle it so you can get on with your day.


Top Signs Your Commercial HVAC System Needs Repair

There are many indicators that your commercial HVAC needs to be fixed. Others are easily visible and can be easily explained away. As you go about your daily activities, be aware of these signals to ensure that your building's heating or cooling needs are being met.


1. Suddenly, Energy Costs Increase

The energy expenses of day-to-day operations should not change if they are regular. However, unexpected rises in energy expenses can be caused by severe weather or operational changes. These sources should be easy for you to recognize. It is likely that your HVAC system is causing unexpectedly high energy bills.

The average commercial building consumes 15% of the electricity it uses for cooling, 16% for ventilation, and 2% for heating. If cooling and ventilation problems cause the system to use more energy, this will manifest itself in higher utility bills. To report these issues, contact your technician. Rather than putting it off and hoping that the cost will drop next month, you should call and schedule a service visit.


2. The Ventilation System’s Odors

It's a sign that your HVAC system must be repaired if employees complain about unpleasant or musty smells entering their business. Due to poor indoor air quality, and problems in the building envelope, mold can grow within the ducts as well as along the cooling coils.

These odors shouldn't be ignored. They can impact indoor air quality and lead to productivity and health problems for your employees. A professional can clean the coils, ducts, and HVAC system to get rid of any microbial growth. For this reason, it is important to consult your HVAC company regarding the installation of UV air purifiers.

Unclean filters can cause your building to smell. Filters that become dirty can spread odors throughout the building.

Acrid aromas that remind of burnt metals may be an indicator of HVAC system damage.


3. Problems with Temperature Controller

If the temperature is not equal throughout the facility, it could be caused by a stuck damper. Do not ignore the signs that your HVAC system and heating system are in dire need of repair. It could lead to employee discomfort, which can cause productivity problems.


Short cycling, when commercial HVAC systems end a cycle before the prescribed time has passed, can also cause temperature problems. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including refrigerant leakage or filthy coils. These symptoms should be reported to professionals immediately so that the problem can be fixed.


Cleveland HVAC Contractors

Cleveland, OH

(419) 495 9990